Now Naga-sune-hiko
sent a foot-messenger, who addressed the Emperor, saying: "There
was formerly a child of the Heavenly deity, who came down from
Heaven to dwell here, riding in a Rock-boat of Heaven. His name
was Kushi-dama Nigi-haya-hi no Mikoto. He took to wife my
younger sister Mi-kashiki-ya-bime (also called Naga-sune-hime,
or Tomi-ya-hime) of whom he at length had a child, named
Umashi-ma-te no Mikoto. Therefore did I take Nigi-haya-hi no
Mikoto for my lord, and did service to him. Can it be that there
are two seeds of the children of the Heavenly deity? Why should
any one else take the name of Child of the Heavenly deity and
therewith rob people of their dominions? I have pondered this in
my heart, but have as yet failed utterly to believe it." The
Emperor said: " There are many other children of the Heavenly
deity. If he whom thou hast taken as thy Lord were truly a child
of the Heavenly deity, there would be surely some object which
thou couldst show to us by way of proof." -Naga-sune-biko
accordingly brought a single Heavenly-feathered-arrow of
Nigihaya-hi no Mikoto, and a foot-quiver, and exhibited them
respectfully to the Emperor. The Emperor examined them, and
said: " These are genuine." Then in his turn he showed to
Naga-sune-hiko the single Heavenly-feathered-arrow and quiver
which he wore. When Naga-sune-hiko saw the Heavenly token be
became more and more embarrassed. But the murderous weapons were
already prepared, and things were in such a state that he was
unable to pause in his career. Therefore be adhered to his
misguided scheme, and would not alter his purpose.
Nigi-haya-hi no -Mikoto,
knowing from the first that the Heavenly deity had simply
generously bestowed the Empire on the Heavenly Grandchild, and
that in view of the perverse disposition of Naga-sune it would
be useless to instruct him in the relation of Heaven to Man, put
him to death. He then came with his army and made submission.
The Emperor, who from the first had heard that Nigi-haya-hi no
Mikoto had come down from Heaven, finding that he now had
actually performed faithful service, accordingly praised him,
and was gracious to him He was the ancestor of the Mono no Be
The year Tsuchi no
to Hitsuji, Spring, 2nd month, 20th day. The Emperor commanded
his generals to exercise the troops. At this time there were
Tsuchi-gumo in three places, viz.: The Tohe of Nkihiki at Tada
no Oka-zaki in the district of Sofu, the Kose Hofuri at Wani no
Sakamoto and the Wi-Hofuri at Hosomi no Nagara no Okazaki. All
of these, trusting to their valor, refused to present themselves
at Court. The Emperor therefore sent detachments separately and
put them all to death. There were, moreover, Tsuchi-gumo at the
village of Taka-wohari, whose appearance was as follows: They
had short bodies, and long arms and legs. They were of the same
class as the pigmies. The Imperial troops wove nets of dolichos,
which they flung over them and then slew them. Wherefore the
name of that village was changed to Katsuraki. It is in the land
of Ihare. Its ancient name was Kataru, or Katatachi. When our
Imperial forces routed the enemy, a great army assembled and
filled that country. Its name was accordingly changed to Ihare.
Another account
says that when the Emperor on a previous occasion tasted the
food of the sacred jars, he moved forward his army on an
expedition toward the West. At this time the eighty bandits of
Katsuraki were encamped together there. A great battle with the
Emperor followed, and they were at length destroyed by the
Imperial army. Therefore that place was called the village of
Ihare. Again, the place where the Imperial troops made a warlike
stand was called Takeda. The place where he built a castle was
named Kita. Moreover, the place where the enemy fell in battle,
their dead bodies prostrate, with their forearms for pillows,
was called Tsura-maki-da.
The Emperor, in
Autumn, the 9th month of the previous year, secretly took clay
of the Heavenly Mount Kagu, with which he made eighty platters,
and thereafter performing abstinence in person, sacrificed to
all the gods. He was thereby at length enabled to establish the
world in peace. Therefore he called the place where the clay was
taken Haniyasu.
3rd month, 7th
day. The Emperor made an order, saying: "During the six years
that our expedition against the East has lasted, owing to my
reliance on the Majesty of Imperial Heaven, the wicked bands
have met death. It is true that the frontier lands are still
unpurified, and that a remnant of evil is still refractory. But
in the region of the Central Land there is no more wind and
dust. Truly we should make a vast and spacious capital, and plan
it great and strong.
"At present things
are in a crude and obscure condition, and the people's minds are
unsophisticated. They roost in nests or dwell in eaves . Their
manners are simply what is customary. Now if a great man were to
establish laws, justice could not fail to flourish. And even if
some gain should accrue to the people, in what way would this
interfere with the Sage's action? Moreover, it will be well to
open up and clear the mountains and forests, and to construct a
palace. Then I may reverently assume the Precious Dignity, and
so give peace to my good subjects. Above, I should then respond
to the kindness of the Heavenly Powers in granting me the
Kingdom, and below, I should extend the line of the Imperial
descendants and foster right-mindedness. Thereafter the capital
may be extended so as to embrace all the six cardinal points,
and the eight cords may be covered so as to form a roof. Will
this not be well?
"When I observe
the Kashiha-hara plain, which lies southwest of Mount Unebi, it
seems the Center of the Land. I must set it in order."
Accordingly he in
this month commanded officers to set about the construction of
an Imperial Residence.
(661 B.C.) Year
Kanoye Saru, Autumn, 8th month, 16th day. The Emperor, intending
to appoint a wife, sought afresh children of noble families. Now
there was a man who made representation to him, saying: "There
is a child who was born to Koto-shiro-nushi no Kami by his union
with Tama-kushi-hime, daughter of Mizo-kuhi-ni no Kami of
Mishima. Her name is Hime-tatara-i-suzu-hime no Amikoto. She is
a woman of remarkable beauty." The Emperor was rejoiced, and on
the 24th day of the 9th month be received
Hime-tatara-i-suzu-hime no Mikoto and made her his wife.
(660 B.C.) Year
Kanoto Tori, Spring, 1st month 1st day. The Emperor assumed the
Imperial Dignity in the Palace of Kashiha-bara. This year is
reckoned the first year of his reign. He honored his wife by
making her Empress. The children born to him by her were
Kami-ya-wi-mimi no Mikoto and Kami-nunagaba mimi -no Mikoto.
Therefore there is
an ancient saying in praise of this, as follows: "In
Kashiha-bara in Unebi, he mightily established his
palace-pillars on the foundation of the bottom-rock, and reared
aloft the cross roof-timbers to the Plain of High Heaven. The
name of the Emperor who thus began to rule the Empire was Kami
Yamato Ihare-biko Hohodemi."
On the day on
which he first began the Heavenly institution, Michi no Omi no
Mikoto, the ancestor of the Ohotomo House, accompanied by the
Oho-kume Be, was enabled, by means of a secret device received
from the Emperor, to use incantations and magic formulas so as
to dissipate evil influences. The use of magic formulas had its
origin from this.
2nd year, Spring,
2nd month, 2nd day. The Emperor ascertained merit and dispensed
rewards. To Michi no Omi no Mikoto he granted a site for a house
in which to dwell at the village of Tsuki-zaka, thereby showing
him special favor.
Moreover, he
caused the Oho-kume to dwell at a place on the river-bank, west
of Mount Unebi, now called Kume no Mura. Such was the origin of
this name. Utsu-hiko was made Miyakko of the land of Yamato.
Moreover, he gave to Ukeshi the younger the village of Takeda,
constituting him Agata-nushi of Takeda. He was the ancestor of
the Mohi-tori of Uda. Shiki the younger, whose personal name was
Kuro-haya, was made Agata-nushi of Shiki. Moreover, he appointed
a man called Tsune to be Miyakko of the Land of Katsuraki. The
Yata-garasu was also included in the ranks of those who received
rewards. His descendants are the Agata-nushi of Katsurano and
the Tonomori Be.
(657 B.C.) 4th
year, Spring, 2nd month, 23rd day. The Emperor issued the
following decree: "The spirits of our Imperial ancestors
reflecting their radiance down from Heaven, illuminate and
assist us. All our enemies have now been subdued, and there is
peace within the seas. We ought to take advantage of this to
perform sacrifice to the Heavenly deities, and therewith develop
filial duty."
He accordingly
established spirit-terraces amongst the Tomi hills, which were
called Kami-tsu-wono no Kaki-hara. Shimo-tsu-wono no Kaki-hara.
There he worshiped his Imperial ancestors, the Heavenly deities.
(630 B.C.) 31st
year, Summer, 4th month, Ist day. The Imperial palanquin made a
circuit, in the course of which the Emperor ascended the Hill
Waki Kamu no Hotsuma. Here, having viewed the shape of the land
on all sides, he said: "Oh! what a beautiful country we have
become possessed of! Though a blessed land of inner-tree-fiber,
yet it resembles a dragon-fly licking its hinder parts." From
this it first received the name of Akitsu-shima.
Of old, Izanagi no
Mikoto, in naming this country, said: Yamato is the land of
Ura-yasu: it is the land of Hosohoko no Chi-taru: it is is the
land of Shiwa-Kami-Ho-tsuma."
Afterward Oho-namuchi
no Oho-kami named it the land of Tama-gaki no Uchi-tsu-kuni.
Finally, when
Nigi-haya-hi no Mikoto soared across the Great Void in a
Heaven-rock-boat, be espied this region and descended upon it.
Therefore he gave it a name and called it Sora-mitsu-Yamato.
42nd year, Spring,
1st month, 3rd day. He appointed Prince Kami-nunagaha-mimi -no
Mikoto Prince Imperial.
76th year, Spring,
3rd month, 11th day. The Emperor died in the palace of
Kashiba-bara. His age was then 127. The following year, Autumn,
the 12th day of the 9th month, be was buried in the Misasagi,
northeast of Mount Unebi.
Book XXV
The Emperor
Ame-yorodzu toyo-hi honored the religion of Buddha and despised
the Way of the Gods (as is instanced by his cutting down the
trees of the shrine of Iku-kuni-dama). He was of a gentle
disposition, and loved men of learning. He made no distinction
of noble and mean, and continually dispensed beneficent edicts.
At this time
Ohotomo no Nagatoko no Muraji (his cognomen was Mumakahi), girt
with a golden quiver, stood on the right hand of the throne, and
Intigami no Takebe no Kimi, girt with a golden quiver, stood on
the left hand of the throne. The functionaries, Omi, Muraji,
Kuni no Miyakko, Tomo no Miyakko and the 180 Be, ranged in
order, went round making obeisance. On this day, the title of
Ko-so-bo was conferred on the Empress Toyo-takara, and Naka no
Ohoye was made Prince Imperial, Abe no Uchimaro no Omi was made
Sa-dai-jin, and Soga no Kurayamada Ishikaba no Maro no Omi was
made U-dai-jin. A great brocade cap of honor was given to
Nakatomi no Kamako no Muraji, and he was made Naijin with an
increased feudal revenue of a large number of houses, etc., etc.
Nakatomi no Kamako no Muraji cherished the most sincere loyalty.
Trusting to his power as ruling Minister, he took place over the
various functionaries. In respect therefore to advancements and
dismissals, taking measures or abandoning them, everything was
done in accordance with his counsel, etc., etc. The Buddhist
priest Min Hoshi and Kuromaro Takamuko no Fubito were made
national doctors.
19th day. The
Emperor, the Empress Dowager, and the Prince Imperial summoned
together the Ministers under the great tsuki tree, and made an
oath appealing to the gods of Heaven and Earth, and saving:
"Heaven covers us:
Earth upbears us: the Imperial way is but one. But in this last
degenerate age, the order of Lord and Vassal was destroyed,
until Supreme Heaven by Our hands put to death the traitors.
Now, from this time forward, both parties shedding their hearts'
blood, the Lord will eschew double methods of government, and
the Vassal will avoid duplicity in his service of the sovereign!
On him who breaks this oath, Heaven will send a curse and earth
a plague, demons will slay them, and men will smite them. This
is as manifest as the sun and moon."
The style 4th year
of the Empress Ame-toyo-takara ikashi-hi tarashi-hime was
altered to Daikwa, 1st year.
(645 A.D.) Daikwa,
1st year, Autumn, 8th month, 5th day. Governors of the Eastern
provinces were appointed. Then the Governors were addressed as
follows: "In accordance with the charge entrusted to Us by the
gods of Heaven, We propose at this present for the first time to
regulate the myriad provinces.
"When you proceed
to your posts, prepare registers of all the free subjects of the
State and of the people under the control of others, whether
great or small. Take account also of the acreage of cultivated
land. As to the profits arising from the gardens and ponds, the
water and land, deal with them in common with the people.
Moreover, it is not competent for the provincial Governors,
while in their provinces, to decide criminal cases, nor are they
permitted by accepting bribes to bring the people to poverty and
misery. When they come up to the capital they must not bring
large numbers of the people in their train. They are only
allowed to bring with them the Kuni no Miyakko and the district
officials. But when they travel on public business they may ride
the horses of their -department, and eat the food of their
department. From the rank of Suke upward those who obey this law
will surely be rewarded, while those who disobey it shall be
liable to be reduced in cap-rank. On all, from the rank of
Hangwan downward, who accept bribes a fine shall imposed of
double the amount, and they shall eventually be punished
criminally according to the greater or less heinousness of the
case. Nine men are allowed as attendants on a Chief Governor,
seven on an assistant, and five on a secretary. If this limit is
exceeded, and they are accompanied by a greater number, both
chief and followers shall be punished criminally.
"If there be any
persons who lay claim to a title, but who, not being Kuni no
Miyakko, Tonio no Miyakko, or Inaki of districts by descent,
unscrupulously draw up lying memorials, saying: 'From the time
of our forefathers we have had charge of this Miyake or have
ruled this district' -- in such cases, ye, the Governors, must
not readily make application to the Court in acquiescence in
such fictions, but must ascertain particularly the true facts
before making your report.
"Moreover, on
waste pieces of ground let arsenals be erected, and let the
swords and armor, with the bows and arrows of the provinces and
districts, be deposited together in them. In the case of the
frontier provinces which border close on the Yemishi, let all
the weapons be mustered together, and let them remain in the
hands of their original owners. In regard to the six districts
of the province of Yamato, let the officials who are sent there
prepare registers of the population, and also take an account of
the acreage of cultivated land. (This means to examine the
acreage of the cultivated ground, and the numbers, houses, and
ages of the people.)
"Ye Governors of
provinces, take careful note of this and withdraw." Accordingly
presents were made them of silk and cloth, which varied in the
case of each person."
This day a bell
and box were provided in the Court .The Emperor issued an order,
saying: "If there be a complainant, in case the person in
question belongs to a Tomo no Miyak-ko, let the Tomo no Miyakko
first make inquiry and then report to Us. In case the person in
question has an elder, let the elder first make inquiry and then
report to Us. If, however, the Tomo no Miyakko or the elder does
not come to a clear decision respecting the complaint, let a
document be received and placed in the box, and punishment will
be inflicted according to the offense. The person who receives
the document should at dawn take it and make report to the Inner
Palace, when We will mark on it the year and month, and
communicate it to the Ministers. In case there is any neglect to
decide it, or if there are malpractises on the part of
intriguing persons, let the complainant strike the bell. This is
why the bell is hung and box provided in the Court. Let the
people of the Empire know and appreciate Our intention.
"Moreover, the law
of men and women shall be that the children born of a free man
and a free woman shall belong to the father: if a free man takes
to wife a slave woman, her children shall belong to the mother:
if a free woman marries a slave man, the children of the
marriage shall belong to the father; if they are slaves of two
houses, the children shall belong to the mother. The children of
temple-serfs shall follow the rule for freemen. But in regard to
others who become slaves, they shall be treated according to the
rule for slaves. Do ye now publish this well to the people as a
beginning of regulations."
8th day. A
messenger was sent to the Great Temple to summon together the
Buddhist priests and nuns, and to address them on the part of
the Emperor, saying: "In the 13th year of the reign of the
Emperor who ruled the world in the Palace of Shikishima, King
Myong of Pekche reverently transmitted the Law of Buddha to our
great Yamato. At this time the Ministers in a body were opposed
to its transmission. Only Soga no Iname no Sukune believed in
this Law, and the Emperor accordingly instructed him to receive
it with reverence. In the reign of the Emperor who ruled the
world in the Palace of Wosada, Soga no Mumako no Sukune,
influenced by the reverence for his deceased father, continued
to prize highly the doctrines of Buddha. But the other Ministers
had no faith in it, and its institutes had almost perished when
the Emperor instructed Miamako no Sukune reverently to receive
this Law. In the reign of the Empress who ruled the world in the
Palace of Woharida, Mumako no Sukune, on behalf of the Empress,
made an embroidered figure of Buddha sixteen feet high and a
copper image of Buddha sixteen feet high. He exalted the
doctrine of Buddha and showed honor to its priests and nuns. It
is Our desire anew to exalt the pure doctrine and brilliantly to
promulgate great principles. We therefore appoint as professors
the following ten persons: The S'ramana, Poknyang, Hye-un, Syang-an,
Nyong-un, and Hye-chi, Taihoshi of Koma, and Sobin, Doto, Yerin,
Yemyo and Yeon, chief priests of temples. We separately appoint
the Hoshi, Yemyo, chief priest of the Temple of Kudara.
"Let these ten
professors well instruct the priests in general the practise of
the teachings of Shaka. It is needful that they be made to
comply with the Law. If there is a difficulty about repairing
temples built by any from the Emperor down to the Tomo no
Miyakko, We will in all cases assist in doing so. We shall also
cause Temple Commissioners and Chief Priests to be appointed,
who shall make a circuit to all the temples, and having
ascertained the actual facts respecting the priests and nuns,
their male and female slaves, and the acreage of their
cultivated lands, report all the particulars clearly to us."
19th day.
Commissioners were sent to all the provinces to take a record of
the total numbers of the people. The Emperor on this occasion
made an edict, as follows:
"In the times of
all the Emperors, from antiquity downward, subjects have been
set apart for the purpose of making notable their reigns and
banding down their names to posterity. Now the Omi and Muraji,
the Tomo no Miyakko and the Kuni no Miyakko, have each one set
apart their own vassals, whom they compel to labor at their
arbitrary pleasure. Moreover, they cut off the bills and seas,
the woods and plains, the ponds and rice-fields belonging to the
provinces and districts, and appropriate them to themselves.
Their contests are never-ceasing. Some engross to themselves
many tens of thousands of shiro of rice-land, while others
possess in all patches of ground too small to stick a needle
into. When the time comes for the payment of taxes, the Omi, the
Muraji, and the Tomo no Miyakko first collect them for
themselves and then band over a share. In the case of repairs to
palaces or the construction of misasagi, they each bring their
own vassals, and do the work according to circumstances. The
Book of Changes says: 'Diminish that which is above: increase
that which is below: if measures are framed according to the
regulations, the resources of the State suffer no injury, and
the people receive no hurt.'
"At the present
time, the people are still few. And yet the powerful cut off
portions of land and water and converting them into private
ground, sell it to the people, demanding the price yearly. From
this time forward the sale of land is not allowed. Let no man
without due authority make himself a landlord,, engrossing to
himself that which belongs to the helpless."
The people were
greatly rejoiced.
Winter, 12th
month, 9th day. The Emperor removed the capital to Toyosaki in
Nagara at Naniha. Old people, remarking upon this to one
another, said: "The movement of rats toward Naniha from spring
until summer was an omen of the removal of the capital."
24th day. It was
reported from the land of Koshi: "Driftwood of the seashore
passed away toward the east, leaving an impression on the sand
like a plowed rice-field in appearance."
This year was the
year Kinoto Mi (42nd) of the Cycle.
2nd year, Spring,
1st month, 1st day. As soon as the ceremonies of the new year's
congratulations were over the Emperor promulgated an edict of
reforms, as follows:
"I. Let the people
established by the ancient Emperors, etc., as representatives of
children be abolished, also the Miyake of various places and the
people owned as serfs by the Wake, the Omi, the Muraji, the Tomo
no Miyakko, the kuni no Miyakko and the Mura no Obito. Let the
farmsteads in various places be abolished." Consequently fiefs
were granted for their sustenance to those of the rank of Daibu
and upward on a descending scale. Presents of cloth and silk
stuffs were given to the officials and people, varying in value.
"Further We say.
It is the business of the Daibu to govern the people. If they
discharge this duty thoroughly, the people have trust in them,
and an increase of their revenue is therefore for the good of
the people.
"II. The capital
is for the first time to be regulated, and Governors appointed
for the Home provinces and districts.
"Let barriers,
outposts, guards, and post-horses, both special and ordinary, be
provided, bell-tokens made, and mountains and rivers regulated.
For each ward in
the capital let there be appointed one alderman, and for four
wards one chief alderman Who shall be charged with the
superintendence of the population, and the examination of
criminal matters. For appointment as chief aldermen of wards let
men be taken belonging to the wards, of unblemished character,
firm and upright, so that they may fitly sustain the duties of
the time. For appointments as aldermen, whether of rural
townships or of city wards, let ordinary subjects be taken
belonging to the township or ward, of good character and solid
capacity. If such men are not to be found in the township or
ward in question, it is permitted to select and employ men of
the adjoining township or ward.
"The Home
provinces shall include the region from the River Yokogaha at
Nabari on the east, from Mount Senoyama in Kii on the south,
from Kushibuchi in Akashi on the west, and from Mount
Afusaka-yama in Sasanami in Afumi on the north. Districts of
forty townships are constituted Greater Districts, of from
thirty to four townships are constituted Middle Districts, and
of three or fewer townships are constituted Lesser Districts.
For the district authorities, of whatever class, let there be
taken Kuni no Miyakko of unblemished character, such as may
fitly sustain the duties of the time and made Tairei and Shorei.
Let men of solid capacity and intelligence who are skilled in
writing and arithmetic be appointed assistants and clerks.
"The number of
special or ordinary post-horses given shall in all cases follow
the number of marks on the posting bell-tokens. When bell-tokens
are given to officials of the provinces and barriers, let them
be held in both cases by the chief official, or in his absence
by the assistant official.
"III. Let there
now be provided for the first time registers of population,
books of account and a system of the receipt and regranting of
distribution-land .
"Let every fifty
houses be reckoned a township, and in every township let there
be one alderman who shall be charged with the superintendence of
the population the direction of the sowing of crops and the
cultivation of mulberry-trees, the prevention and examination of
offenses, and the enforcement of the payment of taxes and of
forced labor.
"For rice-land,
thirty paces in length by twelve paces in breadth shall be
reckoned a tan. Ten tan make one cho. For each tan the tax is
two sheaves and two bundles (such as can be grasped in the hand)
of rice; for each cho the tax is twenty-two sheaves of rice. On
mountains or in valleys where the land is precipitous, or in
remote places where the population is scanty, such arrangements
are to be made as may be convenient.
"IV. The old taxes
and forced labor are abolished, and a system of commuted taxes
instituted. These shall consist of fine silks, coarse silks, raw
silk and floss silk, all in accordance with what is produced in
the locality. For each cho of rice-land the rate is one rod of
fine silk, or for four cho one piece forty feet in length by two
and a half feet in width. For coarse silk the rate is two rods
(per cho), or one piece for every two cho of the same length and
width as the fine silk. For cloth the rate is four rods of the
same dimensions as the fine and coarse silk, i.e., one tan for
each cho. (No rates of weight are anywhere given for silk or
floss silk.) Let there be levied separately a commuted house
tax. All houses shall pay each one rod and two feet of cloth.
The extra articles of this tax, as well as salt and offerings,
will depend on what is produced in the locality. For horses for
the public service, let every hundred houses contribute one
horse of medium quality. Or if the horse is of superior quality,
let one be contributed by every two hundred houses. If the
horses have to be purchased, the price shall be made up by a
payment from each house of one rod and two feet of cloth. As to
weapons, each person shall contribute a sword, armor, bow and
arrows, a flag, and a drum. For coolies, the old system, by
which one coolie was provided by every thirty houses, is
altered, and one coolie is to be furnished from every fifty
houses (one is for employment as a menial servant) for allotment
to the various functionaries. Fifty houses shall be allotted to
provide rations for one coolie, and one house shall contribute
two rods and two feet of cloth and five masu of rice in lieu of
For waiting-women
in the Palace, let there be furnished the sisters or daughters
of district officials of the rank of Shorei or upward -
good-looking women (with one male and two female servants to
attend on them), and let 100 houses be allotted to provide
rations for one waiting-woman.
The cloth and rice
supplied in lieu of service shall, in every case, follow the
same rule as for coolies."
In this month the
Emperor occupied the separate Palace of Koshiro. He sent
messengers to command the provinces and districts to repair the
arsenals. Yemishi came and did homage.
One book says: "
The Miyake of Kosbiro, in the village of Sayabe, at Naniba, was
pulled down, and a temporary Palace erected."
2nd month, 15th
day. The Emperor proceeded to the Eastern Gate of the Palace,
where, by Soga, Oho-omi of the Right, he decreed as follows:
"The God
Incarnate, the Emperor Yamato-neko, who rules the world, gives
command to the Ministers assembled in his presence, to the Omi,
Muraji, Kuni no Miyakko, Tomo no Miyakko, and subjects of
various classes, saying:
"We are informed
that wise rulers of the people bung a bell at their gate, and so
took cognizance of the complaints of their subjects; they
erected buildings in the thoroughfares, where they listened to
the censures of the passers-by. Even the opinions of the grass
and firewood gatherers they inquired personally and used for
their guidance. We, therefore, on a former occasion, made an
edict, saying: 'In ancient times the Empire was ruled by having
at the Court flags of honor for the encouragement of good, and a
board of censure, the object being to diffuse principles of
Government and to invite remonstrances.' All this served widely
to ascertain the opinions of those below. Kwan-Tsze said:
The Emperor Hwang
by establishing the Conferences of the Bright Hall, observed the
opinions of the wise on the upper hand, while the Emperor Yao,
having the inquiries of the street-houses, listened to the
people on the lower hand. Shun again had flags to proclaim merit
and thus secure publicity; and Yu set up a drum at his Court,
thus providing for the investigation into expectations. Thang
had the Court of the general control of Districts, whereby he
observed the faults of the people. King Wu had the park of the
Spirit terrace, and therefore the wise had advancement. Thus the
sage Emperor and Illustrious Sovereigns of antiquity possessed
and did not lose; they gained and did not destroy.'
"The object of
hanging up a bell, of providing a box, and of appointing a man
to receive petitions, is to make those who have grievances or
remonstrances deposit their petitions in the box. The receivers
of petitions are commanded to make their report to Us every
morning. When We receive this report We shall draw the attention
of the Ministers to it, and cause them to consider it, and We
trust that this may be done without delay. But if there should
be neglect on the part of the Ministers, and a want of diligence
or partisan intrigues, and if We, moreover, should refuse to
listen to remonstrance, let the complainant strike the bell.
There has been already an Imperial command to this effect. But
some time afterward there was a man of intelligence and
uprightness who, cherishing in his heart the spirit of a
national patriot, addressed Us a memorial of earnest
remonstrance, which he placed in the box prepared for the
purpose. We therefore now publish it to the black-haired people
here assembled. This memorial runs as follows: ' Those subjects
who come to the capital in connection with the discharge of
their duty to the Government of the Country, are detained by the
various public functionaries and put to forced labor of various
kinds, etc., etc.' We are still moved with strong sympathy by
this. How could the people expect that things would come to
this? Now no long time has elapsed since the capital was
removed, so that so far from being at home, we are, as it were,
strangers. It is therefore impossible to avoid employing the
people, and they have therefore been, against Our will,
compelled to labor. As often as Our minds dwell on this We have
never been able to sleep in peace. When We saw this memorial we
could not refrain from a joyous exclamation. We have accordingly
complied with the language of remonstrance, and have put a stop
to the forced services at various places.
"In a former
edict, We said: 'Let the man who remonstrates sign his name.'
Those who disobey this injunction are doubtless actuated by a
wish to serve their country, and not by a desire of personal
gain. Whether a man signs his name or not, let him not fail to
remonstrate with Us on Our neglect or forgetfulness."
Another edict was
made as follows: "There are many things of which the assembled
people of the land complain. We are now about to explain our
principles. Listen attentively to what We say. Those who come to
the capital and assemble at Court in order to obtain decisions
of doubtful points should not disperse in the morning, but
remain together in attendance at Court."
Koryo, Pekche,
Imna, and Silla all together sent envoys to offer tribute.
22nd day. The
Emperor returned from the detached Palace of Koshiro.
3rd month, 2nd
day. An edict was issued to the Governors of the Eastern
provinces, saving: "Do all ye Ministers and Daibu assembled in
attendance on Us, as well as ye Omi, Muraji, Kuni no Miyakko,
and Tomo no Miyakko, and also ye subjects of every class, listen
to this: He that is lord between Heaven and Earth and rules the
myriad people ought not to exercise control alone: be must have
Ministers to support him. From generation to generation,
therefore, Our Imperial ancestors have governed along with the
ancestors of you, My Ministers. It is Our wish also, with the
protecting power of the Gods, to associate you with Ourselves in
the government. We therefore, on a former occasion, appointed
Daibu, of good family, to the government of the eight Eastern
provinces. Then the Governors went to their posts. Six obeyed
the laws, and two were regardless of Our commands. In each case
censure or praise became audible. We thereupon commended those
who kept the law, and were severe with those who disregarded the
instructions given them. He that would be a ruler, whether he be
Lord or Minister, should first correct himself, and then correct
others. If he do not correct himself, how shall he be able to
correct others? He therefore who does not correct himself, be he
Lord or be he Minister, will meet with calamity. Should one not
be watchful? If ye, the leaders, are upright, who shall presume
to be otherwise ? Do ye now be guided by Our former commands in
dispensing your judgments."
19th day. The
Emperor made a decree to the Choshushi of the Eastern provinces,
"Hear this, all ye
Ministers and Daibu assembled in Our presence, as well as ye
Kuni no Miyakko and Tomo no Miyakko, together with the subjects
of all classes! In the 8th month of last year, We in person
admonished you, saving: 'Do not use your official authority to
appropriate public or private property: you should consume food
of your own domain, and ride horses of your own domain. Those
who disregard this admonition, if of the rank of Assistant
Governor or higher, shall be degraded in official rank, if of
the rank of Clerk or lower, shall be sentenced to flogging.
Those who convert property to their own use shall be mulcted in
double its value.' Such was the edict which We issued. Now, when
We inquired from the Choshushi and the Miyakko of the various
provinces whether the local Governors, when they proceeded to
their posts, attended to this admonition or not, the Choshushi
and the others informed Us fully of the facts, to wit: The
offense of Kuhi, Hodzumi no Omi, consists in having made
exactions from each family among the people, and though he
repented and gave back the things, not doing so completely. His
two assistants, Fuse no Omi and Shidamu, Kose no Omi, have
offended by not correcting the error of their chief, etc., etc.
The inferior officials have all been guilty of offenses. The
offense of Kose no Tokune no Omi consists in having made
exactions from each family among the people, and though he
repented and returned the things, not doing so completely. He
has, moreover, taken away the horses of the agricultural serfs.
His two assistants, Yenowi no Muraji and Oshizaka no Muraji, did
not correct the faults of their chief, but on the contrary
joined with him in prosecuting their own advantage. They have,
moreover, taken away horses belonging to the Kuni no Miyakko.
Sumi, Utena no Atahe, although at first he remonstrated with his
chief, yet at last became corrupt along with him. The inferior
officials are all guilty of offenses. The offense of Ki no
Marikida no Omi consists in having sent men to Asakura no Kimi
and Winouhe [Inouye] no Kimi to fetch their horses for him to
look at. Further, he made Asakura no Kimi manufacture swords.
Further, be got from Asakura no Kimi his bow-cloth. Further, he
did not honestly return to their owners the articles sent by the
Kuni no Miyakko in lieu of weapons, but delivered them to the
Kuni no Miyakko in an irregular manner. Further, in the province
committed to his charge, he allowed himself to be robbed of a
sword. Further, in the province of Yamato he allowed himself to
be robbed of a sword. These are the offenses of Ki no Omi and of
his assistants, Obo-guchi, Miwa no Kimi, and Momoyori, Kahabe no
Omi. Their subordinate officials, Shibatsu, Kahabe no Omi,
Tajibi no Fukame, Mozu no Nagaye, Katsuraki no Saigusa, Naniha
no Kubikame, Tnukabi no Isogimi, Maro, Iki no Fubito, Tajihi no
Inume; these eight persons, all are guilty of offenses. The
offense of Adzumi no Muraji consists in this-that when Wadoku no
Fubito was ill, he caused the Kuni no Miyakko to send him
government property. Further, he took horses belonging to the
Yube. The offense of his assistant Momoyori, Kashihade no Omi,
consists in his having received and stored in his house articles
paid in lieu of hay. Further, he took the horses of the Kuni no
Miyakko and exchanged them for others. The two brothers,
Ihatsutsu and Yumaro, Kahabe no Omi, have also been guilty of
offenses. Ohochi no Muraji's offense consists in his having
disobeyed Our former decree, which was as follows: 'Let not the
local Governors personally judge the plaints of the people in
the districts placed under their charge.' He has disobeyed this
edict in that he has taken it upon himself personally to judge
the plaints of the men of Udo, and the matter of the slaves of
Nakatomi no Toko. Nakatomi no Toko is equally guilty with him in
this matter. The offense of Kisbida no Omi consists in his
having bad his official sword stolen when he was in the province
of Yamato. This showed a want of circumspection. As for Womidori
no Omi and Tamba no Omi, they have been simply incompetent, but
not guilty of any offense. The two men, Imbe no Konomi and
Mutsuki, Nakatomi no Ifuraji, have also been guilty of offenses.
Neither of these two men viz., Hada no Omi and Taguchi no Omi.
has committed any offense. The offense of Heguri no Omi consists
in his having neglected to investigate the plaints of the men of
Mikuni. Upon a review of these facts we find that all this is
owing to the neglect and incompetence of you three, viz., Ki no
Mariki no Omi, Kose no Tokune no Omi, and Hodzumi no Kuhi no
Omi. Is it not painful to Us to think of your disobedience to
Our edict? Now if he who has pastoral care of the people,
whether as Lord or Minister, gives a personal example of upright
conduct, who shall presume to do otherwise? But if he, whether
Lord or Minister, be not upright in heart, it is fit that he
should bear the guilt. What avails it to repent afterward? We
shall therefore consider the cases of all these local Governors
and punish them according to the gravity of their offenses.
"With regard,
moreover, to the Kuni no Miyakko who have disobeyed Our edict by
sending presents to the Governors of their provinces, and, at
length joining with them in the pursuit of gain, constantly
conceive foul wickedness, repressive measures are indispensable.
But although such are Our thoughts, we have only begun to occupy
our new palace, and are about to make offerings to all the Kami,
both which matters belong to the present year. Moreover, it is
not meet to employ the people in labor during the months of
agriculture. But in connection with the building of a new
palace, it was decidedly impossible to avoid doing so. Deeply
conscious of both these considerations, We proclaim a general
amnesty throughout the Empire. From this time forward, let the
local Governors of provinces and districts be zealous and do
their utmost. Let them avoid profligacy. Let messengers be sent
to release all banished men of the various provinces, and all
prisoners in the gaols without exception. |