Book I
Of old, Heaven and
Earth were not yet separated, and the In and Yo not yet divided.
They formed a chaotic mass like an egg which was of obscurely
defined limits and contained germs.
The purer and
clearer part was thinly drawn out, and formed Heaven, while the
heavier and grosser element settled down and became Earth.
The finer element
easily became a united body, but the consolidation of the heavy
and gross element was accomplished with difficulty.
Heaven was
therefore formed first, and Earth was established subsequently.
Thereafter divine
beings were produced between them.
Hence it is said
that when the world began to be created, the soil of which lands
were composed floated about in a manner which might be compared
to the floating of a fish sporting on the surface of the water.
At this time a
certain thing was produced between Heaven and Earth. It was in
form like a reed-shoot. Now this became transformed into a God,
and was called Kuni-toko-tachi no Mikoto.
Next there was
Kuni no sa-tsuchi no Mikoto, and next Toyo-kumu-nu no Mikoto, in
all three deities
These were pure
males spontaneously developed by the operation of the principle
of Heaven.
In one writing it
is said: '"When Heaven and Earth began, a thing existed in the
midst of the Void. Its shape may not be described. Within it a
deity was spontaneously produced, whose name was Kuni-toko-tachi
no Mikoto, also called Kuni-soko-tachi no Mikoto. Next there was
Kuni no sa-tsuchi no Mikoto, also called Kuni no sa-tachi no
Mikoto. Next there was Toyo-kuni-nushi no Mikoto, also called
Toyo-kumu-nu no Mikoto, Toyo-ka-fushi-no no Mikoto,
Uki-fu-no-toyo-kahi no Mikoto, Toyo-kuni-no no Mikoto, Toyo-kuhi-no
no Mikoto, Ha-ko-kuni-no no Mikoto, or Mi-no no Mikoto."
In one writing it
is said: "Of old, when the land was Young and the earth young,
it floated about, as it were floating oil. At this time a thing
was produced within the land, in shape like a reed-shoot when it
sprouts forth. From this there was a deity developed, whose name
was Umashi-ashi-kabi-hiko-ji no Mikoto. Next there was Kuni no
toko-tachi no Mikoto, and next Kuni no sa-tsuchi no Mikoto."
In one writing it
is said: " When Heaven and Earth were in a state of chaos, there
was first of all a deity, whose name was
Umashi-ashi-kabi-hiko-ji no Mikoto. Next there was
Kuni-soko-tachi no Mikoto."
In one writing it
is said: "When Heaven and Earth began, there were deities
produced together, whose names were, first, Kuni-no-toko-tachi
no Mikoto, and next Kuni no satsuchi no Mikoto." It is further
stated: "The names of the gods which were produced in the Plain
of High Heaven were Ama no mi-naka-nushi no Mikoto, next
Taka-mi-musubi no Mikoto, next Kami-mi-musubi no Mikoto."
In one writing it
is said: "Before Heaven and Earth were produced, there was
something which might be compared to a cloud floating over the
sea. It had no place of attachment for its root. In the midst of
this a thing was generated which resembled a reed-shoot when it
is first produced in the mud. This became straightway
transformed into human shape and was called Kuni no toko-tachi
no Mikoto."
[In this fashion
the "Nihongi " rambles on, telling much the same legends as the
"Kojiki", until it comes to the days of the immediate ancestors
of Jimmu Tenno. There were then two brothers, grandchildren of
the goddess Ama-terasu.]
The elder brother
Ho-no-susori no Mikoto had by nature a sea-gift; the younger
brother Hiko-ho-ho-demi no Mikoto had by nature a mountain-gift.
In the beginning the two brothers, the elder and the younger,
conversed together, saying: " Let us for a trial exchange
gifts." They eventually exchanged them, but neither of them
gained aught by doing so. The elder brother repented his
bargain, and returned to the younger brother his bow and arrows,
asking for his fish-hook to be given back to him. But the
younger brother had already lost the elder brother's fish-book,
and there was no means of finding it. He accordingly made
another new hook which he offered to his elder brother. But his
elder brother refused to accept it, and demanded the old hook.
The younger brother, grieved at this, forthwith took his
cross-sword and forged from it new fish-hooks, which he heaped
up in a winnowing tray, and offered to his brother. But his
elder brother was wroth, and said: "These are not my old
fish-hook: though they are many, I will not take them." And be
continued repeatedly to demand it vehemently. Therefore
Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto's grief was exceeding1y profound, and
be went and made moan by the shore of the sea. There he met
Shiho-tsutsu no Oji. The old man inquired of him saying - "Why
dost thou grieve here?" He answered and told him the matter from
first to last. The old man said: "Grieve no more. I will arrange
this matter for thee." So he made a basket without interstices,
and placing in it Hoho-demi no Mikoto, sank it in the sea.
Forthwith he found himself at a pleasant strand, where he
abandoned the basket, and proceeding on his way, suddenly
arrived at the palace of the Sea-god. This palace was provided
with battlements and turrets, and had stately towers. Before the
gate there was a well, and over the well there grew a many
branched cassia-tree, with wide-spreading boughs and leaves. Now
Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto went up to the foot of this tree and
loitered about. After some time a beautiful woman appeared, and,
pushing open the door, came forth. She at length took a
jewel-vessel and approached. She was about to draw water, when,
raising her eyes, she saw him, and was alarmed. Returning
within, she spoke to her father and mother, saying: "There is a
rare stranger at the foot of the tree before the gate." The god
of the Sea thereupon prepared an eightfold cushion and led him
in. When they bad taken their seats, he inquired of him the
object of his coming. Then Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto explained to
him, in reply, all the circumstances. The Sea-god accordingly
assembled the fishes, both great and small, and required of them
an answer. They all said: "We know not. Only the Red-woman has
had a sore mouth for some time past and has not come." She was
therefore peremptorily summoned to appear and on her mouth being
examined the lost hook was actually found.
After this,
Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto took to wife the Seagod's daughter,
Toyo-tama-hime, and dwelt in the sea-palace. For three years he
enjoyed peace and pleasure, but still had a longing for his own
country, and therefore sighed deeply from time to time.
Toyo-tama-hime heard this and told her father, saying: "The
Heavenly Grandchild often sighs as if in grief. It may be that
it is the sorrow of long in, for his country."The god of the Sea
thereupon drew to him Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto, and addressing
him in an easy, familiar way, said: " If the Heavenly Grandchild
desires to return to his country I will send him back." So he
gave him the fish-hook which he had found, and in doing so
instructed him, saying: "When thou givest this fish-hook to thy
elder brother, before giving it to him call to it secretly, and
say, 'A poor hook.'" He further presented to him the jewel of
the flowing tide and the jewel of the ebbing tide, and
instructed him, saying: "If thou dost dip the tide-flowing
jewel, the tide will suddenly flow, and therewithal thou shalt
drown thine elder brother. But in case thy elder brother should
repent and beg forgiveness, if, on the contrary, thou dip the
tide-ebbing jewel, the tide will spontaneously ebb, and
therewithal thou shalt save him. If thou harass him in this way,
thy elder brother will of his own accord render submission.
When the Heavenly
Grandchild was about to set out on his return journey,
Toyo-tama-hime addressed him, saying: "Thy handmaiden is already
pregnant, and the time of her delivery is not far off. On a day
when the winds and waves are raging, I will surely come forth to
the sea-shore, and I pray thee that thou wilt make for me a
parturition-house, and await me there."
Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto returned to his palace, he complied
implicitly with the instructions of the Sea-god, and the elder
brother, Ho-no-susori no Mikoto, finding himself in the utmost
straits, of his own accord admitted his offense, and said:
"Henceforward I will be thy subject to perform mimic dances for
thee. I beseech thee mercifully to spare my life." Thereupon he
at length yielded his petition, and spared him. This Ho-no-susori
no Mikoto was the first ancestor of the Kimi of Wobashi in Ata.
After this
Toyo-tama-hime fulfilled her promise, and, bringing with her her
younger sister, Tama-yori-hime, bravely confronted the winds and
waves, and came to the sea-shore. When the time of her delivery
was at hand, she besought Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto, saying:
"When thy handmaiden is in travail, I pray thee do not look upon
her." However, the Heavenly Grandchild could not restrain
himself, but went secretly and peeped in. Now Toyo-tama-hime was
just in childbirth, and had changed into a dragon. She was
greatly ashamed, and said: " Hadst thou not disgraced me, I
would have made the sea and land communicate with each other,
and forever prevented them from being sundered. But now that
thou hast disgraced me, wherewithal shall friendly feelings be
knit together?" So she wrapped the infant inrushes, and
abandoned it on the sea-shore. Then she barred the sea-path, and
passed away. Accordingly the child was called
Hiko-nagisa-take-u-gaya-fuki-ahezu no Mikoto.
Another account
says that when the child was born, the Heavenly Grandchild
approached and made inquiry, saying: "By what name ought the
child to be called?" She answered and said: " Let him be called
Hiko-nagisa-take-u-gayafuki-ahezu no Mikoto." Having said so,
she took her departure straight across the sea. Then
Hiko-hoho-demi no Mikoto made a song, saying:
Whatever befalls
Ne'er shall I
forget my love
With whom I slept
In the islands of
wild-ducks --
The birds of the
After this, when
Tovo-tama-hime heard what a fine boy her child was, her heart
was greatly moved with affection' and she wished to come back
and bring him up herself. But she could not rightly do so, and
therefore she sent her younger sister Tama-yori-hime to nurture
him. Now when Toyotama-hime sent Tama-yori-hime, she offered (to
Hoho-demi no Mikoto) the following verse in answer:
Some may boast
Of the splendor
Of red jewels,
But those worn by
my lord --
It is they which
are admirable."
These two stanzas,
one sent, and one in reply, are what are termed age-uta.
Another account
says that when the Sea-god gave the fishhook to Hiko-hoho-demi
no Mikoto, he instructed him, saying: " When thy elder brother's
fish-hook is returned to him, let the Heavenly Grandchild say:
'Let it be to all thy descendants, of whatever degree of
relationship, a poor hook, a paltry poor hook.' When thou hast
thus spoken, spit thrice, and give it to him. Moreover, when thy
elder brother goes to sea a-fishing, let the Heavenly Grandchild
stand on the seashore and do that which raises the wind. Now
that which raises the wind is whistling. If thou doest so, I
will forthwith stir up the wind of the offing and the wind of
the shore, and will overwhelm and vex him with the scurrying
waves." Ho no ori no Mikoto returned, and obeyed implicitly the
instructions of the god. When a day came on which the elder
brother went a-fishing, the younger brother stood on the shore
of the sea, and whistled. Then there arose a sudden tempest, and
the elder brother was forthwith overwhelmed and harassed. Seeing
no means of saving his life, lie besought his younger brother
from afar, saying: " Thou hast dwelt long in the ocean-plain,
and must possess some excellent art. I pray thee teach it to me.
If thou save my life, my descendants of all degrees of
relationship shall not leave the neighborhood of thy precinct,
but shall act as thy mime-vassals." Thereupon the younger
brother left off whistling, and the wind again returned to rest.
So the elder brother recognized the younger brother's power, and
freely admitted his fault. But the younger brother was wroth,
and -would hold no converse with him. Hereupon the elder
brother, with nothing but his waistcloth on, and smearing the
palms of his bands and his face with red earth, said to his
younger brother: " Thus do I defile my body, and make my self
thy mime forever." So kicking up his feet, he danced along and
practiced the manner of his drowning struggles. First of all,
when the tide reached his feet, he did the foot divination ;
when it reached his knees, he raised up his feet; when it
reached his thighs, he ran round in a circle; when it reached
his loins, he rubbed his loins; when it reached his sides, he
placed his hands upon his breast; when it reached his neck, be
threw up his hands, waving his palms. From that time until now,
this custom has never ceased.
Now, when the
child Hiko-nagisa-take-u-gaya-fuki-abezu no Mikoto grew up, he
took his aunt Tama-yori-hime as his consort, and had by her in
all four male children. Long after, .Hiko-nagisa-take-u-gaya-fuki-ahezu
no Mikoto died, in the palace of the western country, and was
buried in the Misasagi on the top of Mount Ahira in Hiuga.
The Emperor Kami
Yamato Ihare-biko's personal name was Hiko-hoho-demi. [This is
the legendary conquerer known to later ages as Jimmu Tenno.] He
was the fourth child of Hiko-nagisa-take-u-gaya-fuki-ahezu no
Mikoto. His mother's name was Tama-yori-hime, daughter of the
Sea-god. From his birth, this Emperor was of clear intelligence
and resolute will. At the age of fifteen he was made heir to the
throne. When be grew up, he married Ahira-tsu-hime, of the
district of Ata in the province of Hiuga, and made her his
consort. By her he had Tagishi-mimi no Mikoto and Kisu-mimi no
When he reached
the age of forty-five, he addressed his elder brothers and his
children, saying: "Of old, our Heavenly deities Taka-mi-musubi
no Mikoto, and Oho-hiru-me no Mikoto, pointing to this land of
fair rice-ears of the fertile reed-plain, gave it to our
Heavenly ancestor, Hiko-ho no ninigi no Mikoto. Thereupon
Hiko-ho no ninigi no Mikoto, throwing open the barrier of Heaven
and clearing a cloud-path, urged on his superhuman course until
he came to rest. At this time the world was given over to
widespread desolation. It was an age of darkness and disorder.
In this gloom, therefore, be fostered justice, arid so governed
this western border. Our Imperial ancestors and Imperial parent,
like gods, like sages, accumulated happiness and amassed glory.
Many years elapsed. From the date when our Heavenly ancestor
descended until now it is over 1,792,470 years .But the remote
regions do not yet enjoy the blessings of Imperial rule. Every
town has always been allowed to have its lord, and every village
its chief, who, each one for himself, makes division of
territory and practises mutual aggression and conflict.
"Now I have heard
from the Ancient of the Sea, that in the East there is a fair
land encircled on all sides by blue mountains. -Moreover, there
is there one who flew down riding in a Heavenly Rock-boat. I
think that this land will undoubtedly be suitable for the
extension of the Heavenly task,' so that its ,Iorv [sic] should
fill the universe. It is, doubtless, the center of the world."
The person who flew down was, I believe, Nigi-haya-hi. Why
should we not proceed thither, and make it the capital?"
All the Imperial
Princess answered, and said: " The truth of this is manifest.
This thought is constant1y present to our minds also. Let us go
thither quickly." This was the year Kinoye Tora (51st) of the
Great Year. (667 B.C.)
In that year, in
winter, on the Kanoto Tori day (the 5th) of the 10th month, the
new moon of which was on the day Hinoto Mi, the Emperor in
person led the Imperial Princes and a naval force on an
expedition against the East. When be arrived at the Haya-suhi
gate, there was there a fisherman who came riding in a boat. The
Emperor summoned him, and then inquired of him, saying: "Who art
thou?" He answered and said: "Thy servant is a Country-god, and
his name is Utsu-hiko. I angle for fish in the bays of ocean.
Hearing that the son of the Heavenly deity was coming, therefore
I forthwith came to receive him." Again he inquired of him,
saying: "Canst thou act as my guide?" He answered and said: "I
will do so." The Emperor ordered the end of a pole of shihi wood
to be given to the fisher, and caused him to be taken and pulled
into the Imperial vessel, of which be was made pilot. A name was
specially granted him, and he was called Shibi-ne-tsu-hiko." He
was the first ancestor of the Yamato no Atahe.
Proceeding on
their voyage, they arrived at Usa in the land of Tsukushi. At
this time there appeared the ancestors of the Kuni-tsu-ko of
Usa, named Usa-tsu-hiko and Usatsu-hime. They built a palace
raised on one pillar on the banks of the River Usa, and offered
them a banquet. Then, by Imperial command, Usa-tsu-hime was
given in marriage to the Emperor's attendant minister Ama no
tane no Mikoto. Now Ama no tane no Mikoto was the remote
ancestor of the Nakatomi Uji.
11th month, 9th
day. The Emperor arrived at the harbor of Oka in the land of
12th month, 27th
day. He arrived at the province of A-ki, where he dwelt in the
Palace of Ye.
(666 B.C.) The
year Kinoto U, Spring, 3rd month, 6th day. Going onward, he
entered the land of Kibi, and built a temporary palace, in which
he dwelt. It was called the Palace of Takasbima. Three years
passed, during which time be set in order the helms of his
ships, and prepared a store of provisions. It was his desire by
a single effort to subdue the Empire.
(663 B.C.) The
year Tsuchinoye Muma, Spring, 2nd month, 11th day. The Imperial
forces at length proceeded eastward, the prow of one ship
touching the stern of another. Just when they reached Cape
Naniha they encountered a current of great swiftness. Whereupon
that place was called Nami-haya (wave-swift) or Nami-hana
(wave-flower). It is now called Naniha which is a corruption of
3rd mouth, 10th
day. Proceeding upward against the stream, they went straight
on, and arrived at the port of Awokumo no Shira-date, in the
township of Kusaka, in the province of Kafuebi.
Summer, 4th month,
9th day. The Imperial forces in martial array marched on to
Tatsuta. The road was narrow and precipitous, and the men were
unable to march abreast, so they returned and again endeavored
to go eastward, crossing over Mount Ikoma. In this way they
entered the inner country.
Now when
Naga-sune-hiko heard this, be said: "The object of the children
of the Heavenly deity in coming hither is assuredly to rob me of
my country." so be straightway levied all the forces under his
dominion, and intercepted them at the Hill of Kusaka. A battle
was engaged, and Itsuse no Mikoto was hit by a random arrow on
the elbow. The Imperial forces were unable to advance against
the enemy. The Emperor was vexed, and revolved in his inmost
heart a divine plan, saying: "I am the descendant of the
Sun-goddess, and if I proceed against the Sun to attack the
enemy, I shall act contrary to the way of Heaven. Better to
retreat and make a show of weakness. Then sacrificing to the
gods of Heaven and Earth, and bringing on our backs the might of
the Sun-goddess, let us follow her rays and trample them down.
If we do so, the enemy will assuredly be routed of themselves,
and we shall not stain our swords with blood." They all said:
"It is good." Thereupon he gave orders to the army, saying:
"Wait a while, and advance no further." So he withdrew his
forces, and the enemy also did not dare to attack him. He then
retired to the port of Kusaka, where he set up shields, and made
a warlike show. Therefore the name of this port was changed to
Tatetsu which is now corrupted into Tadetsu.
Before this, at
the battle of Kusaka, there was a man who hid in a great tree,
and by so doing escaped danger. So pointing to this tree, he
said. "I am grateful to it, as to my mother." Therefore the
people of the day called that place Omo no ki no Mura .
5th month, 8th
day. The army arrived at the port of Yamaki in Chinu (also
called Port Yama no wi). Now Itsuse no Mikoto's arrow wound was
extremely painful. He grasped his sword, and striking a martial
attitude, said "How exasperating it is that a man should die of
a wound received at the hands of slaves, and should not revenge
it!" The people of that day therefore called the place Wo no
Proceeding onward,
they reached Mount Kama in the land of Kii, where Itsuse no
Mikoto died in the army, and was therefore buried at Mount Kama.
6th month, 23rd
day. The army arrived at the village of Nagusa, where they put
to death the Tohe of Nagusa. Finally they crossed the moor of
Sano, and arrived at the village of kami in Kuniano. Here be
embarked in the rock-boat of Heaven, and leading his army,
proceeded onward by slow degrees. In the midst of the sea, they
suddenly met with a violent wind, and the Imperial vessel was
tossed about. Then Ina-ihi no Mikoto exclaimed and said: "Alas!
my ancestors were Heavenly deities, and my mother was a goddess
of the Sea. Why do they harass me by land, and why, moreover, do
they harass me by sea." When he had said this, he drew his sword
and plunged into the sea, where he became changed into the god
Mike Irino no
Mikoto, also indignant at this, said: "My mother and my aunt are
both Sea-goddesses: why do they raise great billows to overwhelm
us? "So treading upon the waves, he went to the Eternal Land.
The Emperor was now alone with the Imperial Prince Tagishi-mimi
no Mikoto. Leading his army forward, he arrived at Port Arazaka
in Kumano (also called Nishiki Bay), where he put to death the
Tobe of Nishiki. At this time the gods belched up a poisonous
vapor, from which every one suffered. For this reason the
Imperial army was again unable to exert itself. Then there was
there a man by name Kuniano no Takakuraji, who unexpectedly had
a dream, in which Ama-terasu no Ohokami spoke to
Take-mika-tsuchi no Kami, saying: "I still hear a sound of
disturbance from the Central Land of Reed-Plains. Do thou again
go and chastise it." Take-mika-tsuchi no Kami answered and said:
"Even if I go not, I can send down my sword, with which I
subdued the land, upon which the country will of its own accord
become peaceful." To this Ama-terasu no Kami assented. Thereupon
Take-mik-a-tsuchi no Kami addressed Takakuraji, saying: "My
sword, which is called Futsu no Mitama, I will now place in thy
storehouse. Do thou take it and present it to the Heavenly
Grandchild." Takakuraji said "Yes," and thereupon awoke. The
next morning, as instructed in his dream, be opened the
storehouse, and on looking in, there was indeed there a sword
which had fallen down (from Heaven), and was standing upside
down on the plank floor of the storehouse. So he took it and
offered it to the Emperor. At this time the Emperor happened to
be asleep. He awoke suddenly, and said: " What a long time I
have slept! " On inquiry he found that the troops who had been
affected by the poison had all recovered their senses and were
afoot. The Emperor then endeavored to advance into the interior,
but among, the mountains it was so precipitous that there was no
road by which they could travel, and they wandered about not
knowing whither to direct their march. Then Amaterasu no
Obo-kami instructed the Emperor in a dream of the night, saying:
"I will now send thee the Yata-garasu," make it thy guide
through the land." Then there did indeed appear the Yata-garasu
flying down from the Void. The Emperor said: " The coming of
this crow is in due accordance with my auspicious dream. How
grand! How splendid! My Imperial ancestor, Ama-terasu no
Oho-kami, desires therewith to assist me in creating the
hereditary institution.'
At this time Hi no
Omi no Mikoto, ancestor of the Ohotomo House, taking with him
Oho-kume as commander of the main body, guided by the direction
taken by the crow, looked up to it and followed after, until at
length they arrived at the district of Lower Uda. Therefore they
named the place which they reached the village of Ukechi in Uda.
At this time, by
an Imperial order, he commended Hi no Omi no Mikoto, saying: "
Thou art faithful and brave, and art, moreover, a successful
guide. Therefore will I give thee a new name, and will call thee
Michi no Omi."
Autumn, 8th month,
2nd day. The Emperor sent to summon Ukeshi the Elder and Ukeshi
the Younger. These two were chiefs of the district of Uda. Now
Ukesbi the Elder did not come. But Ukeshi the Younger came, and
making obeisance at the gate of the camp, declared as follows: "
Thy servant's elder brother, Ukeshi the Elder, shows signs of
resistance. Hearing that the descendant of Heaven was about to
arrive, he forthwith raised an army with which to make an
attack. But having seen from afar the might of the Imperial
army, be was afraid, and did not dare to oppose it. Therefore be
has secretly placed his troops in ambush, and has built for the
occasion a new palace, in the ball of which he has prepared
engines. It is his intention to invite the Emperor to a banquet
there, and then to do him a mischief.
I pray that his
treachery be noted, and that good care be taken to make
preparation against it." The Emperor straightway sent Michi no
Omi no Mikoto to observe the signs of his opposition. Michi no
Omi no Mikoto clearly ascertained his hostile intentions, and
being greatly enraged, shouted at him in a blustering manner:
"Wretch! thou shalt thyself dwell in the house which thou hast
made." So grasping his sword, and drawing his bow, he urged him
and drove him within it. Ukeshi the Elder being guilty before
Heaven, and the matter not admitting of excuse, of his own
accord trod upon the engine and was crushed to death. His body
was then brought out and decapitated, and the blood which flowed
from it reached above the ankle. Therefore that place was called
Uda no Chi-hara. After this Ukeshi the Younger prepared a great
feast of beef and sake with which he entertained the Imperial
army. The Emperor distributed this flesh and sake to the common
soldiers, upon which they sang the following verses:
In the high
castle/tree of Uda tree
I set a snare for
And waited,
But no woodcock
came to it;
A valiant whale
came to it.
This is called a
Kume song. At the present time, when the Department of Music
performs this song, there is still the measurement of great and
small by the hand, as well as a distinction of coarse and fine
in the notes of the voice. This is by a rule banded down from
After this the
Emperor wished to inspect the land of Yoshino, so taking
personal command of the light troops, he made a progress round
by way of Ukechi mura in Uda.
When he came to
Yoshino, there was a man who came out of a well. He shone, and
had a tail. The Emperor inquired of him, saying: "What man art
thou?" He answered and said: Thy servant is a local deity, and
his name is Wi-hi-kari." He it is who was the first ancestor of
the Yoshino no Obito. Proceeding a little farther, there was
another man with a tail, who burst open a rock and came forth
from it. The Emperor inquired of him, saying: "What man art
thou?" He answered and said: "Thy servant is the child of
Iha-oshi-wake." It is he who was the first ancestor of the Kuzu
of Yoshino.
Then skirting the
river, he proceeded westward, when there appeared another man,
who had made a fish-trap and was catching fish. On the Emperor
making inquiry of him, he answered and said: " Thy servant is
the son of Nihemotsu." He it is who was the first ancestor of
the U-kahi of Ata.
9th month, 5th
day. The Emperor ascended to the peak of Mount Takakura in Uda,
whence be had a prospect over all the land. On. Kuni-mi" Hill
there were descried eighty bandits. Moreover, at the acclivity
of Me-zaka there was posted an army of women, and at the
acclivity of Wo-zaka " there was stationed a force of men. At
the acclivity of Sumizaka was placed burning charcoal. This was
the origin of the names Me-zaka, Wo-zaka, and Sumi-zaka.
Again there was
the army of Ye-shiki, which covered all the village of Ihare.
All the places occupied by the enemy were strong positions, and
therefore the roads were cut off and obstructed, so that there
was no room for passage. The Emperor, indignant at this, made
prayer on that night in person, and then fell asleep. The
Heavenly deity appeared to him in a dream, and instructed him,
saying: "Take earth from within the shrine of the Heavenly Mount
Kagu, and of it make eighty Heavenly platters. Also make sacred
jars" and therewith sacrifice to the gods of Heaven and Earth.
Moreover, pronounce a solemn imprecation. If thou doest so, the
enemy will render submission of their own accord." The Emperor
received with reverence the directions given in his dream, and
proceeded to carry them into execution.
Now Ukeshi the
Younger again addressed the Emperor, saying: "There are in the
province of Yamato, in the village of Shiki, eighty Shiki
bandits. Moreover, in the village of Takawoliari (some say
Katsuraki) there are eighty Akagane bandits. All these tribes
intend to give battle to the Emperor, and thy servant is anxious
in his own mind on his account. It were now good to take clay
from the Heavenly fount Kagu, and therewith to make Heavenly
platters with which to sacrifice to the gods of the Heavenly
shrines and of the Earthly shrines. If after doing so, thou dost
attack the enemy, they may be easily driven off." The Emperor,
who had already taken the words of his dream for a good omen,
When he now heard the words of Ukeshi the Younger was Still more
pleased in his heart. He caused Shihi-netsu-hiko to put on
ragged garments and a grass hat, and to disguise himself as an
old man. He also caused Ukeshi the Younger to cover himself with
a winnowing tray, so as to assume the appearance of an old
woman, and then addressed them saying-: "Do ye two proceed to
the Heavenly Mount Kagu, and secretly take earth from its
summit. Having done so, return hither. By means of you I shall
then divine whether my undertaking will be successful or not. Do
your utmost and be watchful."
Now the enemy's
army filled the road, and made all passage impossible. Then
Shihi-netsu-hiko prayed, and said: " If it will be possible for
our Emperor to conquer this land, let the road by which we must
travel become open. But if not, let the brigands surely oppose
our passage." Having thus spoken they set forth, and went
straight onward. Now the hostile band, seeing the two men,
laughed loudly, and said: " What an uncouth old man and old
woman! " So with one accord they left the road, and allowed the
two men to pass and proceed to the mountain, where they took the
clay and returned with it. Hereupon the Emperor was greatly
pleased, and with this clay he made eighty platters, eighty
Heavenly small jars and sacred jars, with which he went up to
the upper waters of the River Nifu and sacrificed to the gods of
Heaven and Earth. Immediately, on the Asahara plain by the river
of Uda, it became as it were like foam on the water, the result
of the curse cleaving to them.
Moreover, the
Emperor went on to utter a vow, saying: " I will now make ame n
the eighty platters without using water. If the ame is formed,
then shall I assuredly without effort and without recourse to
the might of arms reduce the Empire to peace." So he made ame,
which forthwith became formed of itself.
Again he made a
vow, saving: " I will now take the sacred jars and sink them in
the River Nifu. If the fishes, whether great or small, become
every one drunken and are carried down the stream, like as it
were to floating maki leaves, then shall I assuredly succeed in
establishing this land. But if this be not so, there will never
be any result." Thereupon he sank the jars in the river with
their mouths downward. After a while the fish all came to the
surface, gaping and gasping as they floated down the stream.
Then Shihi-netsu-hiko, seeing this, represented it to the
Emperor, who was greatly rejoiced, and plucking up a
five-hundred-branched masakaki tree of the upper waters of the
River Nifu, be did worship therewith to all the gods. It was
with this that the custom began of setting sacred jars.
At this time he
commanded Michi no Omi no Mikoto, saying: "We are now in person"
about to celebrate a public festival to Taka-mi-musubi no
Mikoto, and I appoint thee Ruler of the festival, and grant thee
the title of Idzu-hime. The earthen jars which are set up shall
be called the Idzube, or sacred jars, the fire shall be called
Idzu no Kagu-tsuchi, or sacred-fire-elder, the water shall be
called Idzu no Midzuha no me, or sacred-water-female, the food
shall be called Idzu-Uka no me, or sacred-food-female, the
firewood shall be called Idzu no Yama-tsuchi, or
sacred-mountain-elder, and the grass shall be called Idzu no
No-tsuchi, or sacred-moor-elder."
Winter, 10th
month, 1st day. The Emperor tasted the food of the Idzube, and
arraying his troops set forth upon his march. He first of all
attacked the eighty bandits at Mount Kunimi, routed and slew
them. It was in this campaign that the Emperor, fully resolved
on victory, made these verses, saying:
Like the Shitadami
Which creep around
The great rock
Of the Sea of Ise
Where blows the
divine wind --
Like the
My boys! my boys!
We will creep
And smite them
And smite them
In this poem, by
the great rock is intended the Hill of Kunimi.
After this the
band which remained was still numerous, and their disposition
could not be fathomed. So the Emperor privately commanded Michi
no Omi no Mikoto, saying: "Do thou take with thee the Oho-kume,
and make a great muro at the village of Osaka. Prepare a copious
banquet, invite the enemy to it, and then capture them." Michi
no Omi no Mikoto thereupon, in obedience to the Emperor's secret
behest, dug a muro at Osaka, and having selected his bravest
soldiers, stayed therein mingled with the enemy. He secretly
arranged with them, saying: " When they have got tipsy with
sake, I will strike up a song. Do you, when you hear the sound
of my song, all at the same time- stab the enemy." Having made
this arrangement they took their seats, and the drinking-bout
proceeded. The enemy, unaware that there was any plot, abandoned
themselves to their feelings, and promptly became intoxicated.
Then Michi no Omi no Mikoto struck up the following song:
At Osaka
In the great
Though men in
Enter and stay,
We the glorious
Sons of warriors,
Wielding our
Wielding our
Will smite them
Now when our
troops beard this song, they all drew at the same time their
mallet-beaded swords, and simultaneously slew the enemy, so that
there were no eaters left. The Imperial army were greatly
delighted; they looked up to Heaven and laughed. Therefore he
made a song, saying:
Though folk say
That one Yemishi
Is a match for one
hundred men
They do not so
much as resist."
The practise,
according to which at the present time the Kume sing this and
then laugh loud, had this origin.
Again he sang,
Ho now is the
Ho! now is the
Ha! Ha! Psha!
Even now
My boys!
Even now
My boys!"
All these songs
were sung in accordance with the secret behest of the Emperor.
He had not presumed to compose them of his own motion.
Then the Emperor
said: "It is the part of a good general when victorious to avoid
arrogance. The chief brigands have now been destroyed, but there
are ten bands of villains of a similar stamp, who are
disputatious. Their disposition can not be ascertained. Why
should we remain for a long time in one place? By so doing we
could not have control over emergencies." So he removed his camp
to another place.
11th month, 7th
day. The Imperial army proceeded in great force to attack the
Hiko of Shiki. First of all the Emperor sent a messenger to
summon Shiki the Elder, but he refused to obey. Again the
Yata-garasu was sent to bring him. When the crow reached his
camp it cried to him, saying: "The child of the Heavenly deity
sends for thee. Haste! haste!" Shiki the Elder was enraged at
this, and said: "Just when I heard that the conquering deity of
Heaven was coming and was indignant at this, why shouldst thou,
a bird of the crow tribe, utter such an abominable cry?" So be
drew his bow and aimed at it. The crow forthwith fled away, and
next proceeded to the house of Shiki the Younger, where it
cried, saving: " The child of the Heavenly deity summons thee.
Haste! haste! " Then Shiki the Younger was afraid, and, changing
countenance, said: " Thy servant, hearing of the approach of the
conquering deity of Heaven, is full of dread morning and
evening. Well hast thou cried to me, O crow." He straightway
made eight leaf-platters, on which he disposed food, and
entertained the crow. Accordingly, in obedience to the crow he
proceeded to the Emperor and informed him, saying: " My elder
brother, Shiki the Elder, hearing of the approach of the child
of the Heavenly deity, forthwith assembled eighty bandits and
provided arms, with which he is about to do battle with thee. It
will be well to take measures against him without delay." The
Emperor accordingly assembled his generals and inquired of them,
saying: " It appears that Shiki the Elder has now rebellious
intentions. I summoned him, but again he will not come. What is
to be done?" The generals said: "Shiki the Elder is a crafty
knave. It will be well, first of all, to send Shiki the Younger
to make matters clear to him, and at the same time to make
explanations to Kuraji the Elder and Kuraji the Younger. If
after that they still refuse submission, it will not be too late
to take warlike measures against them." Shiki the Younger was
accordingly sent to explain to them their interests. But Shiki
the Elder and the others adhered to their foolish design, and
would not consent to submit. Then Shihi-netsu-hiko advised is
follows: " Let us first send out our feebler troops by the Osaka
road. When the enemy sees them he will assuredly proceed thither
with all his best troops. We should then straightway urge
forward our robust troops, and make straight For Sumi-zaka. Then
with the water of the River Uda we should sprinkle the burning
charcoal, and suddenly take them unawares, when they can not
fail to be routed." The Emperor approved this plan, and sent out
the feebler troops toward the enemy, who, thinking, that a
powerful force was approaching, awaited them with all their
power. Now up to this time, whenever the Imperial army attacked,
they invariably caetured [sic], and when they fought they were
invariably victorious, so that the fighting men were all wearied
out. Therefore the Emperor, to comfort the hearts of his leaders
and men, struck off this verse:
As we fight,
Going forth and
From between the
Of Mount Inasa,
We are famished.
Ye keepers of
(Birds of the
Come now to our
In the end he
crossed Sumi-zaka with the stronger troops, and, going round by
the rear, attacked them from two sides and put them to the rout,
killing their chieftains Shiki the Elder and the others.
12th month, 4th
day. The Imperial army at length attacked Naga-sune-hiko and
fought with him repeatedly, but was unable to gain the victory.
Then suddenly the sky became overcast, and hail fell. There
appeared a wondrous kite of a golden color, which came flying
and perched on the end of the Emperor's bow. The luster of this
kite was of dazzling brightness, so that its appearance was like
that of lightning. In consequence of this all Naga-sune-hiko's
soldiers were dazzled and bewildered so that they could not
fight stoutly.
Nagasune was the
original name of the village, whence it became the name of a
man. But in consequence of the imperial army obtaining the
favorable omen of the kite, the men of that time called it Tobi
no mura. It is now called Tomi, which is a corruption of this.
Ever since Itsuse
no Mikoto was hit by an arrow at the battle of Kusaka and died,
the Emperor bore this in mind, and constantly cherished
resentment for it. On this campaign it was his desire to, put
all to death, and therefore he composed these verses, saying:"My
mouth tingles
With the ginger
At the bottom of
the hedge
By the glorious
Sons of warriors--
can not forget
it;Let us smite them utterly."Again he sang, saying:In the
Is one stem of
odorous garlic
The glorious
Sons of warriors
Binding its stem
And binding its
shoots Will smite it utterly."Then again letting loose his army,
he suddenly attacked him. In general, all these songs composed
by the Emperor are termed kume uta, in allusion to the persons
who took and sang them. |